Support The Old Beacon

You can make a difference for the Old Beacon!

The North Ronaldsay Trust is working to preserve the Old Beacon as a monument that will continue to inspire and educate future generations of North Ronaldsay islanders and visitors. You can become a partner in this effort by making a generous donation to the Old Beacon Project.

Why donate? The Old Beacon is at a critical point in its history. It’s stonework is in desperate need of repair and stabilisation. The NRT envisions the Old Beacon as a unique site where visitors can gain a vivid experience of the history of early lighthouses in Scotland. This process will be costly, and the North Ronaldsay Trust cannot accomplish this project without your support.

Thanks to donations from supporters like you, the future of the Old Beacon will be bright. Support the Old Beacon Project today and join a passionate group of people who are leading the fight to protect the future of this world heritage site. Please donate today! For more details on the Old Beacon Project click here.

Donate safely online:

Please consider donating with Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer.
There is no additional cost to you, and we can reclaim an additional 25% from HMRC.
To do so, please provide your address when during check out – thank you!

If you prefer, you may mail a donation to the “North Ronaldsay Trust” at the following address:

The North Ronaldsay Trust
Lighthouse Cottages
Attn: Treasurer
North Ronaldsay, Orkney
KW17 2BE
Scotland, U.K.

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